Whole einkorn spelled, also called einkorn wheat, is an ancient cereal, the first to have been “domesticated” by man. It has a very thin ear and each spikelet contains only one grain, hence the name monococcus, a grain. It has a low yield in the field, but great nutritional properties. The gluten contained is easily digestible. Compared to the common modern wheat, einkorn spelled has significant advantages such as a higher protein content, a higher content of ash and microelements (iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, etc.); a low presence of saturated fatty acids; a lower starch content and better digestibility; a higher presence of antioxidants and yellow pigments (carotenoids, including beta-carotene, precursor of vitamin A); a higher content of tocols (vitamin E) An indispensable cereal for our health!